Thursday, April 19, 2007


A band that makes it happy.
Emily Haines voice is incredibly sexy and soothing.

Originally formed in 1998 in New York City, Metric is currently based in Toronto, Ontario. The band consists of vocalist and keyboardist Emily Haines, guitarist James Shaw, bassist Josh Winstead and drummer Joules Scott-Key. Their full-length second album, Old World Underground, Where Are You Now?, was released in 2003. Their newest album, Live It Out, was originally released on 04/10/05, but followed by a UK release on 09/07/06. Haines and Shaw also perform with Broken Social Scene, and Haines has been a guest on albums by Stars, K.C. Accidental, and Delerium.

I especially love this quote from Emily:

"I get freaked out by numbers, and the idea that if your audience grows, suddenly it's going to be a bunch of frat boys," Emily admits."But more and more I just feel like those judgments about types of people and their musical tastes are ringing untrue to me. There are lot of people who would love to listen to Feist in the morning and Death from Above on a Friday night. People don't like music according to a type."

The need to get down here from Canada so I can see them live.

Emily is also doing her own thang...

Monster Hospital - MSTRKRFT Remix:


Between The Bars (Elliott Smith cover)

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