Thursday, March 26, 2009


I rarely have dreams about doing drugs. Last night was the first in years. Phi and I were with some friends gallivanting around town when we ran into someone that had pills. I took 2. Immediately, I started regretting it. "Oh no I should have only took one!". I was so messed up. So we were standing outside this club where there was awesome music playing inside. I kept asking if we were going in to dance and before I knew it we had been standing outside for hours doing nothing but talking. We went back to Phi's and decided since I needed a place to live that I should move in with him. After moving in, I went to take a shower. During the middle the water cut off. I yelled "what is going on?". Eric came in and said Phi keeps tabs on water usage and my time was up. I also remember feeling very 'cracked out' the following day.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Scoot This...

I am not a scooter type of girl but if I lived closer towards the heart of the city, downtown for instance, I would rock the streets with this scooterific motorized vehicle. I would train my dog to ride in the cargo area (with nets of course).

Article + Pic via Yanko Design.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Photo via jerkwithacamera

When I first heard of Polaroid not offering the instant film anymore I was super sad and immediately tried to get film off ebay for both cameras I have. Unfortunately, I was not willing to spend the kind of money they were asking for. I was going to cut my losses and retire my Polaroid cameras forever. The Impossible Project has come along and purchased all of Polaroid's equipment in hopes of creating something new! I can't wait to see what they bring to the table. I have looked into purchasing a Fujifim Instax Mini 7 in the mean time. I still have not decided at this point.